At CommScope, we push the boundaries of communications technology to create the world’s most advanced networks.

Smaller. Lighter. Lower PIM. 4.3-10 connectors by CommScope.

The smarter way to connect with your network.

When surging capacity demands require you to deploy smaller and more discrete antennas or ones with a greater number of ports, turn to the new CommScope 4.3-10 connector. Its smaller size translates to a lower weight and thus reduced tower load, and its reduced footprint accommodates smaller antennas and a greater number of ports, all while significantly improving PIM consistency. And its advanced design minimizes torque, delivering a high degree of contact certainty.
We offer the 4.3-10 connector in two styles:
Reduced-torque version: ideal in the outdoor plant space
Quick lock (push) version: snaps into place; ideal in the indoor DAS space
Additionally, we manufacture a complete portfolio of products featuring new 4.3-10 connectors, including antennas, filters, combiners, jumpers, low-PIM adapters, feeders and DAS solutions.


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